An object is said to be symmetrical if one can subject it to a certain operation and it appears exactly the same as before the operation.Any such operation is called symmetry of the object.Can you tell me the most symmetrical object??
It is also amazing that symmetry is used in Basic Laws of nature...
Can you tell me what kind of symmetry do we have in nature???
It is also amazing that symmetry is used in Basic Laws of nature...
Can you tell me what kind of symmetry do we have in nature???
You can a get an idea of the symmetry if you loook at fractals... Like the clouds and their movement appear as a Lorenz attractor, lightning as Mandelbrot Sets and snowflakes as Koch curves...
when you rotate a square by 90 degrees you get an exactly similar square...i was referring to this kind of operation...there can be other kinds too....i'll explain when i post the answer for symmetry in nature...
Since some people have been reading Dan Brown novels. I do think I should mention the number phi or 1.618, which is basically a lim x(n),x(n+1)-->∞ x(n+1)/x(n) where x() is the fibonacci series. Supposedly all things in nature follow the ratio 1:phi.
circle is considered to be one of the most symmetrical figures in has infinite symmetries..coz there are infinite angles it can be rotated thru to get back the same figure...!!! so u're right there...!! even other regular figures like a regular pentagon etc have rotational symmetries...
As for phi...(pretty amazing how many people first think of phi for "symmetry in nature")..for those of you who don’t know - phi is 1.618, called Divine Proportion
….it is the ratio of distance from the tip of your head to floor to the distance b/w belly button to floor is the rotation angle of consecutive sunflower spirals…
..ratio of female bees: male bees in any beehive a pentagram the lines automatically divide themselves in the ratio 1:phi
…and much more…Brown explains it as building block of just shows that “God’s hand is evident in nature”…it can be called a common link b/w different things in nature...
but we are talking about symmetry here…We use concept of invariance symmetry when we define the basic laws of nature like F=ma…like time translation symmetry—that is laws of nature do not change with time…
Conservation of energy is due to invariance of laws of Physics with time…
Can u tell me the other similar symmetries..??
The most basic thing in nature is, at present, DNA.
ok Karan...i realise you have been studying too much chem...!!!
Enough time to think over..
the answer to the symmetry used in laws is :
..time translation symmetry- they don't change with time
..rotational symmetry- they are independent of the direction in which we are facing
..translation symmetry- the laws of physics are the same everywhere
The law of conservation of momentum is related to translation invariance, while angular momentum is related to rotation invariance..
and for symmetry in nature- snowflakes,life forms organize according to spatial symmetries,fractals etc..
and Da Vinci Code has been BANNED in CJM!!!!!(Convent of Jesus and Mary)!!!!!:-D
most symmetrical surface is that of a sphere. and symmetry in nature one insane person described it has everything in nature has its opposite, be it motion, matter or anything
Its an interesting post. I have been following it since some time.
maanick.. Sit with Wren & Martin; cant follow a word of yours!!!
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